Easter and Passover are upon us and I happen to be in Jerusalem, so when I was invited at an interfaith Seder for Passover near Jericho in Palestine, I took the opportunity to join in. The event itself had something special as it drew both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the odd foreigner like me who is always trying to make sense of the madness and richness of this land. Passover has a powerful symbolic meaning of liberation from slavery and suffering, a very apt opportunity for reflection and awareness for all, whether we are religious, spiritual or none of the above.
But I really don’t want to write about the Seder itself as it was a rather intimate and private celebration. I don’t think that every moving story of personal and political liberation has to find its way online.

That's me illustrating how small we are on the backdrop of the beautiful Corsican sea...
Instead I will write about mosquitoes. As I laid in bed following the meal and the celebration I was reminded of the words of the Dalai Lama: “If you think you are too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito”. The damp hot Jericho climate draws thousands of those little creatures. This for me meant a sleepless night and countless bites on my hands and arms (I’m still scratching!).
So next time you think you are too small to make a difference, think about mosquitoes feasting over me in the Jericho desert and follow your bliss!