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Letters to the field
Letters to the field
> Mindfulness in less than 140 characters
I wish you time
Aid Worker Voices
When your world moves too fast
An aid worker’s life
Humanitarians, not bureaucrats
New every morning – a poem
Nope, you can’t “be the change” alone
Can aid workers be activists?
War is Zen
Disruptive reflections from 2014
Addicted to war?
When humanitarians cry
Personal and Global Development are Linked
Finding meaning in a crazy world
Self-criticism will not change the world
Love is the most potent source of power
Mindfulness and human rights at work
The Workplace Revolution
The Time to Reconnect
Where is home?
Living life in the midst paradoxes
Mandela on peace of mind
Mindfulness is an outward journey
A Day With Dignity
Good people, bad leaders
Being mindful of power and wealth
War and Peace
Helping others, helping oneself
‘Don’t take it personally’…a useful advice?
Emptying my cup
What’s your motivation?
Saving the world?
Mindfulness and ’empty boats’
Change and transition
Making space, making time
The beggar, the thief and the precious gem
From Mindfulness for NGOs to Mindfulnext
Quitting is leading too
Learning to listen
Mosquitoes and following your bliss
Mindfulness in less than 140 characters
Photo credit: szeke / Foter.com / CC BY-SA
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